Leo and Stubbornness

If a #Leo believes they are right about something they will never back down from that stance… even if proved wrong. #LeoProblems

#Leo will never do anything they don’t want to do. It’s always up to us in the end.

If a #Leo doesn’t want to do something, we’re simply not going to do it. #LeoProblems

I’m not “stubborn” … I’m just “determined” … right? #LeoProblems
#Leo never gives up! Unless it no longer challenges us. Then we give up.

#Leo is stubborn but we like to call it determined.

There is nothing you can do about a situation. It’s all up to the #Leo. You can’t do anything right once we’ve made up our mind. #LeoProblems

Once a #Leo makes up their mind… Good luck changing it! #Stubborn #LeoProblems
If a #Leo actually admits that they are wrong, it’s a once in a lifetime event.

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