Leo and Friendship

It is nearly impossible for a #Leo to give someone the silent treatment. We give in too easily. #LeoProblems
#Leo might appear selfish at times but know we will do anything for you if it came down to it.

#Leo doesn’t need anyone who doesn’t need them.

#Leo has extremely high standards for ourselves and expect the same standards out of those we surround ourselves with. #Royalty

A #Leo is always making you laugh and entertaining you. You’re welcome.
#Leo‘s don’t generally like someone when they first meet them. It takes us a while to warm up to you. #LeoProblems

#Leo doesn’t need anyone. Feel special if we allow you in our lives.

People always come crawling back to #Leo begging for forgiveness. #WompWomp Not forgiven!

#Leo‘s would NEVER go after your ex. No need to worry about that.

#Leo‘s nice-ness often gets misinterpreted for flirting. Calm down. Don’t take it for more than it is. #LeoProblems
#Leo‘s hate those people who try to be your best friend when you first meet them. Chill, yo. #LeoProblems

But if a #Leo asks for your help, know that we really value you and it took a lot for us to ask.

A #Leo is more independent than all the other signs. We can do ANYTHING completely by ourselves. We don’t need your help.

When someone fucks over a #Leo it takes them a little bit to realize what they have done and how much they FUCKED UP.

People are funny. They will stab a #Leo in the back and then ask for forgiveness months later. Lol. No. Bye.

#Leo‘s only show a handful of people their angel side and the rest of y’all get the devil. That’s why Leos have a lot of enemies.

#Leo will cut you out of our life in a SECOND! Doesn’t matter how long we’ve known you #LeoDontFuckAround

#Leo‘s can always tell who is really there for them & who is part-time.

You support me, I support you… that’s how #Leo‘s do!

If you’ve ever seen a #Leo cry, you’re in the inner circle. We rarely do all that extra shit.

A #Leo will give you their last dollar if you’re one of the homies. #LeoProblems

If you pick and choose when to be there for a #Leo then you’re going to find yourself left behind reeeeeeeeal quick.

You’ll always know ABOUT a #Leo but you’ll probably not be allowed to get to know them. We are extremely selective.

If a #Leo is willing to give up OUR time for YOU, we fuck with you.

#Leo will still be there for you after everyone else walks away.
#Leo‘s sometimes clash with others who also have strong personalities.

#Leo‘s rarely stay friends with their exes. Fuck. Them. #LeoProblems

#Leo only wants the best for our friends and we only keep the best around us.

#Leo‘s are VERY dependable. Since we are so dependable, we often expect our friends to be and are regularly let down. #LeoProblems

#Leo‘s will always support those who they believe in.

#Leo will only bite their tongue when it’s for our friends sake. Know that otherwise we would snap the fuck out on them.

#Leo‘s do not do ANYTHING they do not want to do. So if we are there for you, it’s because we want to be.

It’s hard for #Leo‘s to get along with other #Leo‘s. The only way it’s possible is if we don’t feel competition. #LeoProblems

A #Leo‘s circle gets smaller and smaller as they get older because people end up stabbing them in the back. #CutOff #LeoProblems

#Leo‘s rarely like someone when they first meet them. #LeoProblems

#Leo cuts off friendships often. We do not tolerate disloyalty.

All my friends of the opposite sex have crushes on me. #LeoProblems

#Leo stands up for their friends and siblings. If you fuck with them, you answer to US.

#Leo knows all their friends secrets. We don’t even ask, they just tell us.

#Leo loves to spoil ourselves and our friends. #LeoProblems

#Leo‘s can give you good insight if you’re asking for advice.

There is a lot of pressure on #Leo. Our friends put all of their problems onto us. We can handle it all but it gets tough. #LeoProblems

#Leo lends their friends too much damn money. Smh. #LeoProblems

Not everyone even deserves to be friends with a #Leo. We are literally the best friends you could ever ask for.

All my friends depend on me when they are in a tough spot. Hard when we have our own shit to deal with too. #LeoProblems

#Leo‘s will hold grudges against old friends and lovers for the rest of their lives. #LeoProblems

#Leo doesn’t see how people can be friends with their exes. It’s beyond us. #LeoProblems

Why do people always want to be BEST FRIENDS with #Leo‘s when we JUST met you? Chill. It’s not that easy with us. #LeoProblems

#Leo‘s know a lot of people but consider their closest friends to be their family.

Oh hell no! Don’t you DARE talk shit about #Leo‘s friends! That’s only okay when we do it.

#Leo may get annoyed with their friends when they make the SAME mistakes over and over, but we’ll always still be there.

#Leo‘s are constantly trying to get the money back that we lent our friends. #LeoProblems smh

It’s difficult for #Leo‘s to have strong friendships with other fire signs (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius) because we butt heads. #LeoProblems

#Leo‘s make their non-confrontational friends feel awkward when #Leo‘s act assertive in public. #LeoProblems

#Leo‘s are perfectly fine with NOT being friends with everyone.

#Leo‘s go above and beyond to support their friends and expect the same in return.

Leo’s have way too many friends to buy gifts for and we have an expensive taste! #LeoProblems

Why do people keep exaggerating their friendship with me? We’re cool… but that’s about it. We ain’t friends! #LeoProblems

#Leo‘s LOVE it when people are jealous of us…. Unless its our friends or family. #LeoProblems

#Leo‘s can only be friends with another #Leo if they don’t feel in competition with each other. Which is almost impossible. #LeoProblems

#Leo‘s make good friends with more passive people/signs like #Aquarius or #Cancer. We butt heads with #Aries or #Gemini. #LeoProblems

#Leo‘s wish that our non-confident friends could see themselves the way that we see them. We think you’re amazing.

#Leo‘s tend to forgive significant others much faster than we forgive our friends. Which is pretty stupid… actually. #LeoProblems

If you’re friends with a #Leo they are constantly standing up for you if people ever talk shit.

You should never have to worry about your friends dating an ex, someone you like…etc. If you have to, they aren’t your friends. #LeoWisdom

All my friends of the opposite sex would fuck me if I let them. #LeoProblems

#Leo‘s friends often get jealous because #Leo‘s have this natural energy which draws in the opposite sex. #LeoProblems

A #Leo cannot remain friends with their exes if they were in love. We love too deeply to go back to friendship. #LeoProblems

The friends who are the most fun to go out with are the least good for your day to day life. #LeoWisdom

#Leo‘s love to be the center of attention and typically don’t like friends who try to steal it from us. #LeoProblems

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