Leo and Emotions

#Leo‘s rarely think logically and make most decisions based off of emotions. Because of this, we often find ourselves heart broken.
#Leo‘s can’t hold anything back. Sometimes a good thing… sometimes a not so good thing. #LeoProblems

#Leo doesn’t deal well with disappointment. We’ll get over it just give us a day or two. #LeoProblems

If you think a #Leo isn’t crazy then they are just really good at hiding it.
A #Leo can make your day or we can break your day depending on our mood. #LeoProblems

#Leo can be harsh, cold and mean if we need to be. You don’t want to see that side of a #Leo. It’s scary.

Leo’s feel VERY strongly about many things. Our emotions are usually that we HATE something or LOVE something. #LeoProblems

#Leo‘s will never truly learn to control their emotions. All they’ll be able to do is hide them from others. #LeoProblems

When #Leo is in a bad mood just go away and give us space!! We’ll get over it just don’t smother us. #LeoProblems

A #Leo has trouble hiding their emotions because they are written all over their face. #LeoProblems

With a #Leo it’s all about self-protection. We know that if we let you too close you have the ability to hurt us. #LeoProblems

#Leo‘s rarely let others know when they are hurt. We’ll just shut you out for a while. #LeoProblems

A #Leo really can’t hide their true emotions no matter how hard we try. #LeoProblems

#Leos are overly emotional. #LeoProblems

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